APX ERP For Retail & Distribution.

APX Solution Developed by dynamic professionals with excellent qualifications, APX had a definite purpose for its existence viz., to provide apt solutions to the ever-dynamic and challenging Retail and Distribution industry. Retail and Distribution industry which ensures, the physical reach of the various products produced at one or few locations to the innumerable end-users cutting across various geographical regions, is complicated by its very nature. With numerous layers involved,this truly dynamic industry needs solutions not only with the same dynamism but the solutions should be simple, practical and cost effective. With a clear understanding of these facts APX aims to provide the ultimate solutions addressing the numerous complications involved.

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MApx APX Mobile App API.

ApxApi for 3rd Party Application Integration API.

Doc for Invoice Download API.

API Credentials need to be created in APX Server.

Office Address

APX Solution

#14,3rd Floor,Central Avenue,Near Station View Road

Kodambakkam,Chennai-600 024

Tamil Nadu,India.

Contact US

Tel.#1: 044-4213 4770

Tel.#2: 044-4957 9771

Tel.#3: 044-4864 6772

e-Mail: customercare@apxsolution.in